Play Shoppe is a shared time for parents and their children, ages birth to five years of age. Join the Parenting Place and enjoy open-ended playtime, a simple art activity, circle and storytime, and a snack.
Do you or someone you know need to register to vote? Not sure if you're registered? Need assistance finding your polling place before the next election? The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area is here to help.
Each weekday afternoon, the Y will provide bagged snacks for children 0-18. After a hearty snack, kids can stick around for fun, educational interaction with Y staff and volunteers.
The Hunger Task force will be set up on the plaza in front of the library from 3-4:30pm distributing fresh summer produce. No income requirements.
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds co-star in this charming romantic comedy about a hard-working business woman who fakes an engagement to her unassuming personal assistant to avoid deportation back to Canada. (2009, PG, 108 minutes)