Using your Card

Your Library Account

Manage your account online!

Log in to Your Account

After you log in, click your name in the upper right corner to access your account information.

Updating Your Account

Library accounts are updated annually and you will be notified before expiration. If your phone, email, or home address changes, please inform the library so that we can get your notices to you in a timely fashion. Updates may be done in person or over the phone.


The WRLSWEB system includes an e-mail notification service that automatically notifies you when your reserved materials are ready to be picked up. We can also notify you by phone call or text message upon request or change it by editing your profile in the Library Catalog. 

Reading History 

Patrons may choose to "keep reading history" in their online account by going to "Your Bookshelf" and scrolling to the bottom of the page. 

Reading history has advantages and disadvantages. As an institution devoted to your privacy, we want to ensure you understand both so you can make an informed choice.

Advantages of Keeping Reading History:

  • Easily revisit books you’ve borrowed in the past.
  • Track your reading habits over time.
  • Receive better recommendations based on your past checkouts.

Disadvantages of Keeping Reading History:

  • Your reading history could be subject to legal requests.
  • If you share your account, others, including library staff, may see what you’ve borrowed.

Your privacy is important to us. If you choose to turn on reading history, you can disable it at any time. The library does not retain records of checkouts once an item is returned unless you opt into this feature.

Borrowing Materials

Placing Items on Hold

Use our app or your online account to find materials and place them on hold, or contact the library for help reserving items. You’ll be notified when it’s ready to pick up!

Please note: We remind all patrons that we prefer them to always present their card or app when checking out for security purposes.

Keep up to date with your holds notifications by selecting your library account notification preference!  Log in to your account and indicate your preference to receive texts, emails or phone notifications (if selecting texts, please include your cell phone carrier), or give us a call to update your account notification preferences at (608) 789-7167.

Be sure to also check out all the amazing features on our NEW "WRLS Library Catalog" App for both Apple AND Android users! 

Must complete or provide one of the following:

  • Library Card (preferred)
  • LPL app version of the library card (preferred)
  • Look up with ID
  • Able to verify account information
    • Full Name
    • Birthdate
    • Current Address
    • Current Phone Number
    • Guardian’s Name (if a juvenile)

Must complete or provide one of the following:

  • Have the person’s library Card (preferred)
  • LPL app version of the person’s library card (preferred)
  • Able to verify account information for the person’s account
    • Full Name
    • Birthdate
    • Current Address
    • Current Phone Number
    • Guardian’s Name (if a juvenile)

Loan Periods & Fines

  • All books, audiobooks, CDs, and activity bags can be checked out for 21 days.
  • TV series on DVD check out for 14 days.
  • DVDs, magazines, board games, and devices can be checked out for 7 days.
  • Most items can be renewed if others are not waiting to borrow them.
  • Our fine-free policy means you will not be charged for items returned late.



Review Our Checkout Policy

You can have up to a total of 100 items checked out at any given time. You can check out up to two items at a time from our Lucky Day shelf.



Checked-out items may be renewed up to three times as long as your account is in good standing and there are no other holds on the item. Renew your materials on our website, by using our app, or by contacting any of our service desks.

If you are unable to find an item through WRLSWEB, our Frontline staff may be able to help you obtain it through Interlibrary Loan.


Interlibrary Loan

Our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service allows library cardholders to borrow materials from libraries nationwide. Your library is connected, and so are you! Stop by, give us a call at (608) 789-7100, or go to the Interlibrary Loan page on this website to request books, media, DVDs, and more.



Any materials checked out from La Crosse Public Library can be returned at any participating WRLSWEB libraries (see back for locations). Outside book drops are available at both La Crosse Public Library locations for easy return at any time.



The La Crosse Public Library no longer charges late fees on regular library materials checked out at our locations. Late fees still apply to our Lucky Day materials and to materials checked out at public libraries outside of the City of La Crosse. Fees are also charged for lost and damaged library materials. If you have any questions about this policy or about the status of your library account, please ask for assistance at the Welcome Desk.

More to Check Out

Digital Library

Browse and borrow a huge selection of eBooks, audiobooks, and more to download or stream direct to your phone, tablet, or computer!

Library of Things

Borrow games, technology, learning kits, tools, and more from our innovative Library of Things collection.

Online Resources

Find homework help, legal resources, genealogy records, financial reports, and more with our online information services.

Cardholder Responsibilities

  • Any library materials checked out on a card are the sole responsibility of that cardholder.
  • Users will promptly return all borrowed items by the due date or pay overdue charges.
  • Users will pay any replacement costs assessed for lost, unreturned, or damaged items.
  • Users will not lend their library card to others.
  • Users will promptly report any change in contact information.
  • Users will promptly report a lost or stolen card.
  • Users will obey the rules of behavior when visiting the library.
  • If signing a library card application for a juvenile, the users accepts responsibility for fines and charges on the child’s card and acknowledge that it is the guardian’s responsibility, not the library’s, to monitor and approve the child’s choice of materials and/or other information resources.
  • Failure to act responsibly may result in the suspension of library borrowing and use privileges, and that failure to pay library fines or return materials may result in local and state criminal penalties.
  • WRLSWEB library card holders agree to comply with the policies of each member library with which they do business.

Lost/Stolen Library Cards

You have agreed to be responsible for all items borrowed with your library card. Please report lost or stolen library cards promptly.