The Library offers free technology classes for those who need a skills brush-up or who have had minimal experience with technology. If you are looking for assistance with an e-reader or Overdrive, visit our Downloads page.
Technology Class Schedule
Welcome to La Crosse Public Library's Technology Instruction!
Register by calling 608-789-7100 or by emailing info@lacrosselibrary.org
*All classes take place from 11 am to 12pm*
Upcoming Classes
3-D Printing 101: Tinkercad Training
Unlock your creativity by learning how to design a 3D printable file using Tinkercad, a free browser-based software.
Social Media Reset: Finding Alternative Ways to Connect Online
Are you looking for new ways to stay connected with family and friends online? Ready to leave Facebook or X (formerly Twitter)? Join us to explore alternative social media platforms that can help you stay connected to your community.
3-D Printing 101: Tinkercad Training
Unlock your creativity by learning how to design a 3D printable file using Tinkercad, a free browser-based software.
Online Resources
New User Tutorial. This is a very basic introduction to using a computer, for those with no experience. Free.
Keybr.com Online keyboard instruction. Free, but simple account set-up required to use.
GCFLearnFree.org. Many online tutorials covering technology, math, reading, workplace skills, and more. Free.
Techboomers.com. Learn how to use different popular websites. Free.
Basic Computer Skills Course. This offers an introduction to many common skills needed to use a computer and the Internet. Free.
Local Classes
City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation & Forestry. Check out their quarterly catalog to look for very low-cost computer and technology classes.