Tech Help @ CCC

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Program Description

Event Details

FREE In-Person Tech Appointments At Community Connections Center 

Choose from one or more of the following Wednesdays; 

May 10th & 24th

June 14th & 28th

July 12th & 26th

August 9th & 23rd

11:00am-12:00pm – Community Connections Center 

Please call 608-519-2088 to schedule an appointment - appointments are limited!

Technology Program Appointments Tech Help 

The Library and La Crosse Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Department are offering Drop-In Tech Classes. Do you have questions about a new device or do you just need some help with your device? Bring in your cell phone, tablet, iPad, or any other technology item that you may have and the La Crosse Library staff will be available to help with your questions.  

If you are more comfortable with individual sessions or your questions require an extended period of time, one-on-one appointments are available through the Library’s Access and Engagement (renamed from Adult Service’s) Department. Meet Emily during her Technology office hours, Mondays from 12-2 or Thursdays from 3-5. Call 608-798-7144 to make an appointment with her at the La Crosse Main Library (800 Main Street).